Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Carradine Case

-the body of actor David Carradine(Kung Fu,Kill Bill)was found in his Bangkok hotel room.despite a rope round his neck,it was almost immediately ruled as an accident.apparently,he was practising what is known as Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation:the practice of reaching an orgasm while oxygen supply to the brain is interfered Carradine's case he tied a rope round his neck & genitals & locked himself in a closet & masturbated.why does that even have a name?who discovered it?alot of people dont know about it 'cos the only time you get caught doing it is when you're no embarrassment.doesnt this sound like something you would only catch Rob Schneider doing.
if only Uma Thurman knew this is how to Kill Bill.we wouldnt still be waiting for Kill Billl:Vol 3.

-& this incident comes as a relief to alot of comedians.infact,Bill Maher was overheard saying ''Thank You Lord''

-death by Auto Erotic Asphyxiation is now being described as th death method of choice for those who prefer laughter to mourning on their funerals.

-i only have one question,when they found him,was he 'done'.'cos it would be a shame for him to die for nothing.apparently,he masturbated so hard he went to heaven,literally.

-the last time there was such a media blitz over a celebrity incident was when an arresy warrant was issued for Michael Jackson.only that time it was about someone who was touching children & this time its about someone who was touching himself.

-& on a commemorative Larry King Live on Friday,Larry described David as a private person.i think what he meant was private parts person.

-but lets not jump to conclusions.maybe he was researching for a role.Carradine had been signed to appear as Bones on an upcoming live action Simpsons movie.i think he didnt hear well,'cos itr seems he was researching for Boner.

-this must be the stupidest thing he has done.oh,wait...he agreed to appear on that idiotic Rob Schneider movie.

-so Thai police walked into the room,found him in a closet naked with hands,neck & junk tied.& they immediately figured he was Auto-Erotic i know why there is no CSI:Bangkok.if there was,it would last five minutes.

-according to 'experts',an orgasm reached during this act,is sort of like the high achived from taking drugs.this explains why there are no queues to the dope shop & why there is a winding queue around the rope shop.

-wasnt it just last week that Mike Tyson's 4 year old daughter was rushed to hospital after a cord was found round her neck & she later died?what are we not being told about that story?huh

-the head investigator in the Carradine case is called Porntip Rojanasunan.ok,now am sure we're all being Punk'd.

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